Being Formed by the Bible

In a time when congregations are asking how to develop good disciples of Jesus, we may well overlook a primary resource---Scripture! The world of the Bible offers us the very things that help human beings grow and mature. Authors and teachers, Mark and Samjung Hamilton have recently offered a book, Story, Ritual, Prophecy, and Wisdom, that offers insight and practical wisdom to the ways that narratives, practices, and forthright speech give rise to healthy, living communities of faith that demonstrate wisdom. Join us for a lively conversation!

Intersection: Where Theology and Practice Meet is a series of focused, online conversations hosted by Carson Reed. Drawing wisdom from special guests and inspiration from timely topics, we create space for collegial learning, reflection, and ministerial action.

Special Guests: Dr. Samjung Kang-Hamilton & Dr. Mark Hamilton


Samjung Kang-Hamilton received final degrees (Ed.D. & M.Ed.) from Columbia University and an M.R.E. from ACU. She teaches religious education courses in the Graduate School of Theology at Abilene Christian University. She also is the book review editor for the scholarly journal, Restoration Quarterly. She does research on the partnership between churches and families in the spiritual formation of children, youth, and adults. She also studies and lectures on issues in cross-cultural ministry, women’s ministry, and international ministry. A native of South Korea, she worked with a Churches of Christ mission team there. Her work has been published in a number of articles and chapters in books. She was a visiting professor in Korea and lectured at conferences in Korea, Singapore, and Croatia. She also has held, with her husband Mark, weekend teacher training sessions in various churches around the United States. She served on and eventually chaired the adult teaching committee in a local congregation.


After ministering several years in congregations in Connecticut and Massachusetts, Mark moved to Abilene Christian University in 2000. There he teaches courses in Biblical Hebrew and Old Testament. He has been a visiting professor at Pepperdine University, Lipscomb University, and universities in New Zealand, Ghana, Russia, Croatia, Israel, and South Korea. He has also lectured and preached in many parts of the United States, and several other countries. In addition to his work at Abilene Christian University, Mark served ten and a half years as an elder of the University Church of Christ in Abilene. He preaches and teaches in churches in many locales. Mark is the author of numerous publications and is currently working on several more, including commentaries on Genesis and 1-2 Samuel. Most importantly, he and his wife, Samjung, have two adult children they dearly love.

Who Should Come?

We design each Intersection offering primarily for congregational ministers. Register here to receive a Zoom link.


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Contact Renee Paul with any questions about this webinar.