Church Health Assessment (CHA)

This robust and statistically reliable instrument compiles congregational members’ perceptions on nine different areas, resulting in a report that provides church leaders with a unique, personalized, objective dashboard for their church.

Although other similar tools exist for congregational assessment, this is the only tool available today that is tested for reliability and specifically designed for Churches of Christ. It takes the guesswork out of measuring congregational attitudes and perspectives. The CHA measures the following key factors:

Vision, mission, and goals
Ministry and activity effectiveness
Family life stages
Spiritual formation and discipleship
Congregational culture, communication, and conflict
Church relationships
Finance and facilities

The instrument gathers numerical ratings and open-ended comments from participants, and summarizes member involvement and demographics. Its online platform makes it reasonably priced and simple to administer, and the report for church leaders is user-friendly.

Learn More

In the following Mosaic articles, learn about overall trends emerging from the data, and read more about the experience of engaging with this tool.


The Siburt Institute actively works with a number of consultants who are trained and authorized to use the CHA. You can find these consultants’ profiles and contact information here.


Carley Dodd and Suzie Macaluso, statistical and social researchers, developed the CHA for the Siburt Institute. Their process included gathering a focus group of church consultants and leaders, identifying the nine key factors listed above, and developing survey questions to measure each factor.

Dr. Carley Dodd

Dr. Carley Dodd


Dr. Carley Dodd is a retired professor of communication and former dean of the graduate school at ACU. He has been president or chair of several professional organizations and a consultant or trainer for over 80 corporate, church, and non-profit organizations, including Fortune 500s. Carley was named the Outstanding University Teacher of the Year in Texas and the ACU Teacher of the Year, and received the Top 30 Intercultural Scholars Award from the University of Shanghai. He has authored/co-authored around 140 articles and scholarly papers and 12 books. Carley serves as an elder at the Southern Hills Church of Christ. He holds a B.A. and an M.A. from ACU and a Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma.

Dr. Suzie Macaluso

Dr. Suzie Macaluso


Dr. Suzie Macaluso is an associate professor of sociology and the director of the Pruett Gerontology Center at ACU. She worked as a research assistant designing a national survey of Catholic Parishes for the Center on Pastoral Life at Notre Dame and has consulted with the Presbyterian Church, USA in the construction of denominational surveys. Suzie was selected as the Undergraduate Research Mentor of the year by her students at ACU. She is a published author with a specialty in church relations and scale construction. Suzie is an active member of the Minter Lane Church of Christ. She holds a B.S. from Cascade College and a graduate certificate in survey research, an M.S., and a Ph.D. from Purdue University.


For more information or to order this service, contact Shelby Coble.