Bridge: Partners for Discipleship

The Bridge exists to connect the church and the academy. Church leaders and scholars come together to seek better and more effective ways to communicate the message of the gospel to our contemporary contexts.
Dates & Locations | Session Speakers | More Info

As a bridge has two sides, so does ministry. In church leadership, we seek to bring together our learning and skills with the people and work of our congregation. Bridge is a way for local churches and Abilene Christian University’s Graduate School of Theology to partner and work together to raise up and further equip leaders within the church. At Bridge gatherings, you will learn from and interact with Bible faculty from ACU as well as other ministers, leaders, and church members from your area. We will meet on Friday evening and all day Saturday, and our time together will include times of worship, traditional keynote addresses, and other interactive elements like discussions, panels, and/or Q&A times.

This year, our focus is on “Faith Formation in a Digital Age.” This topic, one that we often associate with young people, truly affects us all as we engage the opportunities and challenges that ever-developing technology creates for Jesus-followers in our world. Theologians, psychologists, and doctors are only beginning to understand the impact that things like smartphones are having on us. But we all know that technology means change, and change can be challenging. We hope you will join us as we consider biblical insights, think about theological implications, and discuss the real-life ministry impact the digital age has on us and our people.

Dates & locations

February 21-22, 2025
Northside Church of Christ
19818 US Highway 281 N
San Antonio, TX 78258

April 4-5, 2025
Pioneer Drive Baptist Church
701 S Pioneer Drive
Abilene, TX 79605

May 2-3, 2025
Bammel Church of Christ
2700 Cypress Creek Parkway
Houston, TX 77068

Session Speakers

We are excited to be able to bring faculty members from ACU's Graduate School of Theology and College of Biblical Studies as our featured speakers for Bridge. While the specific speakers may vary from location to location, all of our faculty have extensive ministry experience in addition to their academic credentials. This combined background is a blessing to ACU students and will be for our Bridge attendees, as our faculty have vast experience in the integration of scholarship with the practice of ministry. Just as good theology is deepened and leavened by ministry work, so do church leaders benefit from a combination of practical wisdom and scholarly guidance.

Learn about each location's specific speakers by going to the pages for each location!

who should come?

Bridge is designed to bring ACU Bible faculty into contact with church leaders and members in places of influence. Our intent is to provide content that is relevant for local contexts but will also allow you to go deeper in the study of the Bible, Christian theology, and practical ministry. As a result, this initiative is appropriate for a variety of individuals in the church, including elders, ministers of various kinds, deacons, Bible-class teachers, and ministry leaders, as well as any followers of Christ who long to grow deeper in their understanding of God’s mission for the world.



Tickets for our Bridge gatherings cost $60 each, or you can bring your spouse and get two tickets for $100. Your registration includes a light breakfast and a full lunch on Saturday, as well as snacks and coffee all through the weekend, including Friday evening. And, of course, you will receive all the content prepared by our speakers, including any handouts or digital materials they may create or provide.



Contact David Kneip with any questions about this event.