Cracking the Crisis of Conspiracy Theories

It seems as if the whole world, including our congregants, is inundated with information. Embedded in this trend is a lot of conversation about conspiracy theories – political, religious, and more. What is the Christian response? What biblical insights can guide us through this confusing maze? Along with special guest Royce Money, we take a look.

A part of our series Intersection: Where Theology and Practice Meet, this webinar took place on October 27, 2020.


  • Download Royce Money’s Conspiracy Theory Research (PDF)

  • Due to technical difficulties, we are not able to provide a recording of this webinar

Special Guest: Royce Money

Dr. Royce Money

Dr. Royce Money

Royce Money became chancellor of Abilene Christian University in 2010, after serving 19 years as ACU’s 10th president. He earned a bachelor’s and a Master of Divinity degree from ACU, a master’s degree in human development and the family from the University of Nebraska, and a Ph.D. in religion from Baylor University. He has been an elder in Abilene and ministered to churches in Texas, Alabama, Maryland, and Missouri. He has authored two books: Building Stronger Families: Family Enrichment in the Home, Church and Community and Ministering to Families: A Positive Plan of Action. He and Pam, his wife of 55 years, have two daughters and five grandchildren.


Contact Renee Paul.