ElderLink Houston Session Information


with Wes Crawford

Session 1: Why Do Members of My Congregation Lose Their Minds During Election Years?

Recent elections have proven their ability to divide friendships, families, and even congregations of Christians. As 2024 begins and another national election approaches, many anxious church leaders may wonder, "Why are members of my congregation so passionate about politics?" The answer to this question lies at the heart of our identity as American Christians. This session will help church leaders understand better why American patriotism takes on the characteristics of an established religion.

Session 2: Loving God & Country

Is it possible to pledge our allegiance to the flag, shoot fireworks on the 4th of July, stand reverently during the singing of the national anthem, and chant "U.S.A." during the Olympics without compromising our allegiance to God? In other words, is one able to love both God and country at the same time? In this session we will recount the stories of faithful Christians (past and present) who answer these questions in God-honoring ways.


Breakout Sessions

Jennifer Schroeder: How the Spiritual Flourishing of Children Impacts the Whole Church

Children hold a special place in the heart of Jesus, and churches desire to cultivate a space that mirrors that same love and embrace. However, due to factors that range from the practical (like minister shortages) to the spiritual (like an incomplete theology of children), churches struggle with how to put that desire into practice. The result is a ministry that unintentionally leans heavily into programmatic elements and less so into spiritually formative ones. In the end, the kingdom of God experiences the impact of those challenges. Therefore, how do we cast a vision for children’s ministry that fosters an environment of spiritual flourishing not only for our children but for our whole church as well?

Robby John & Kevin Kelly: A Dance Choreography for Elders and Ministers

Sometimes the interests of elders and those of ministers come into conflict, and their respective ministries suffer. Learning to ask good questions helps to construct clear pathways forward in the service of achieving mutually beneficial and successful ministry. Come hear from and talk with a minister-elder pair to learn more about this important topic.How learning to ask good questions helps to construct clear pathways forward in the service of achieving mutually beneficial and successful ministry.

Brian Miller: What College Students are Doing and Saying About Church

College-aged students are the great hope of the church and the kingdom. We will look at trends among college students regarding church attendance, campus ministry involvement, and their needs, wants and questions. Real life stories will be used to examine the trends and how they make their faith decisions followed by strategies for moving forward.  This topic is crucial as we seek to interact with and minister to the young adults in our contexts.

Judy Siburt & Kaley Ihfe: Serving with Courage and Joy

Female church leaders occupy a special place in the church, but it is a place that is often challenging and lonely, whether they serve in leadership themselves, as the wives of leaders, or both! This session will focus on how women in these contexts can survive and thrive while serving in a church community. This class is especially designed for women who are using their gifts to  support, encourage, serve and lead in the church.

Carson Reed & Shelby Coble: Introducing Practices to Move From the Status Quo to God’s Preferred Future

Church leaders often find themselves overwhelmed with declining congregations, even as they wrestle to maintain the status quo. Yet what if the future for your church is not “more and more”? Perhaps the future for your church is paying attention to God in the prayer life, spiritual practices and mission of your congregation! Given God’s relational presence, this session offers church leaders tangible practices for engagement in light of our present realities.