General Interest | New Testament

Biblical stories are threads that weave our identities and communities together across generations. This ministry community invites you to explore biblical storytelling as a way of connecting to the biblical text and each other. What difference does it make when we experience a biblical text in a way similar to audiences in the first century?  What new insights might emerge? Focusing on Luke 13, the group will also explore how sometimes isolated texts work together to weave the story of Luke’s Gospel. Come hear Luke’s stories told from memory and learn to tell biblical stories yourself. A panel of ministry practitioners will reflect on the impact biblical storytelling has for teachers, pastors, missionaries, and other ministry leaders, inviting you to consider opportunities to practice biblical storytelling in your own communities.


We are honored to have Dr. Cliff Barbarick and Dr. Kathy Maxwell leading the New Testament general interest community at Summit this fall. Their work, alongside that of other scholars in the field, will bring a richness to the theme of “Woven Together.” Stay tuned for more information on all of the voices who will be contributing to this conversation.




Dr. Cliff Barbarick is an associate professor and the Chair of the Department of Bible, Missions and Ministry at ACU. He's been at ACU since 2011, after earning degrees at Pepperdine (BA and MDiv) and Baylor (PhD). His teaching and research focus on the New Testament using a method known as biblical performance criticism. He serves on the board of the Network of Biblical Storytellers International and convenes the organization's Scholars Seminar. He and his wife, Tali, have three children—two in high school and one in college at Lipscomb University. 



Kathy Maxwell is a professor of Biblical Studies at Central Seminary, where she is the Vice President of Academic Affairs and Dean of the faculty. Her areas of research interest include New Testament studies, especially literary and rhetorical methodologies; biblical interpretation; and performance criticism. She is fascinated by the ways people are formed when telling and hearing the biblical story, both in ancient times and the modern world. She writes adult Bible study curriculum, enjoys serving through pulpit supply, and is certified through the Network of Biblical Storytellers. She lives in Shawnee, Kansas, with her husband and two sons.


additional Speakers


Preaching Minister, Robinson Church of Christ (Robinson, TX)



Director of Religious Education at St. James’ Episcopal Church (Houston, TX); Professional Storyteller



Master Storyteller and Lead Coordinator for Online Events for the Network of Biblical Storytellers, International

Session information


Exploring Luke 13-14 through Biblical Storytelling | Dr. Kathy Hood Culmer, Barbara Tucker, Dr. Kathy Maxwell, and Dr. Cliff Barbarick



Learning to Tell Luke 13:1-7 | Dr. Cliff Barbarick and students from the Department of Bible, Missions, and Ministry



Implementing Biblical Storytelling in My Context | Dr. Kathy Hood Culmer, Barbara Tucker, Dr. Shane Alexander, Dr. Kathy Maxwell, and Dr. Cliff Barbarick