Learning from the Global Church

Tuesday, January 14, 2025 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Central
Zoom Webinar | Add to Google Calendar

In many places in the world congregations are growing, and Christianity is flourishing. What might we learn from brothers and sisters in other parts of the world? Please join an exciting conversation with Dr. Dan Bouchelle, president of Mission Resource Network, to hear some of the ways in which Christianity is spreading. We’ll also explore how those of us in the United States might think more like missionaries – right here in our own towns and cities.

Intersection: Where Theology and Practice Meet is a series of focused, online conversations hosted by Carson Reed. Drawing wisdom from special guests and inspiration from timely topics, we create space for collegial learning, reflection, and ministerial action.

Special Guest:  Dan Bouchelle

Dan has served as the president of MRN since August 2010. Before taking the lead of this international missions ministry, Dan served in congregational ministry for over two decades with three different churches in Texas and Oklahoma. He also served on the boards of Great Cities Missions and Christian Relief Fund, as well as other community service and para-church organizations.

Dan has worked with churches on six continents as well as congregations throughout the U.S. He has also spoken at colleges, lectureships, workshops, and seminars around the globe. He has published several articles and has written four books: The Gospel Unleashed, The Gospel Unhindered, When God Seems Absent and We’re on a Mission from God.

In preparation for ministry, Dan acquired a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Houston–Clear Lake, as well as an M.A., M.Div., and D.Min. from Abilene Christian University.

Dan married his wife Amy in 1987, and God blessed them with three children, now all grown and married, and two grandchildren.

Who Should Come?

We design each Intersection offering primarily for congregational ministers. Register here to receive a Zoom link.


We offer Intersection at no charge to you. If you find it impactful and would like to help us continue offering webinars like this, as well as other resources for churches and Christian leaders, we appreciate donations of any size. Thank you!


Contact Renee Paul with any questions about this webinar.