Inviting Others Into God’s Good News

What do we do with this finding from a recent Barna study: “A startling six in 10 Americans believe that any ‘attempt to convert others’ to one’s own faith is ‘extreme’”? Priscilla Pope-Levison, author of the award-winning book, Models of Evangelism, bucks the statistics by introducing Christians to a wide range of models, from personal to media evangelism and from small group to prophetic evangelism. Join us for a conversation about how these models can inspire churches and individual Christians to convey the good news (euangelion) of the gospel.

A part of our series Intersection: Where Theology and Practice Meet, this webinar took place on Tuesday, May 11.

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Dr. Priscilla Pope-Levison

Dr. Priscilla Pope-Levison

Special Guest: Priscilla Pope-Levison

Priscilla Pope-Levison is associate dean for external programs and professor of ministerial studies at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University. Before coming to Perkins, she was the first faculty person to be hired in evangelism at Duke Divinity School, then she taught theology at Seattle Pacific University for 15 years. Her most recent book, Models of Evangelism (2020), was named a Top Five Book of 2020 on the Jesus Creed Blog and Resource of the Year in Theology and Biblical Studies by Outreach magazine for 2020. She has recently been awarded two million-dollar grants by the Lilly Endowment to work on revitalizing congregations. The first grant is titled, “Reboot: The Congregation as Youth Worker,” and the second focuses on “Testimony as Community Engagement.” As a United Methodist minister, Priscilla has served in the local church, as a college chaplain, as a college and seminary professor, and currently as a seminary administrator.


Contact Renee Paul with any questions.