Loving Your Neighbor: Ministering to Military Families in Your Community

Thursday, January 9, 2025 | 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Central
Zoom Webinar | Add to Google Calendar

Regardless of which branch or status in which they might serve, military families often carry an unseen burden—separation, ambiguity, suddenness of orders, finances, marital and familial stress, moral injury, anxiety over possible danger, and the unknown. Churches can play a unique role in ministering to these families at all stages, helping them find connection to faith, fellowship, forgiveness, family/friendship, and the Father. Indeed, it is part of learning to love our neighbors well.

Special Guests: Daniel McGraw

Daniel McGraw is a graduate of Harding University Graduate School of Religion (M.Div., 2008) and ACU (D.Min., 2016). He has worked with churches in Tennessee, Kansas, Texas, and Argentina, and currently serves as the Associate Minister at Bentonville (AR) Church of Christ. He is also a Chaplain (LCDR) in the US Navy Reserves, where he currently serves as Commander, Naval Surfaces Forces—Pacific as a Supervisory Chaplain. Most importantly, he is a flawed follower of Jesus, husband to Megan, and dad to Hannah, Lydia, and Julia.

Who Should Come?

We design each teleconference for members of the Chaplains Fellowship—a network of professional chaplains, chaplaincy candidates, students, and allies.


We offer teleconferences like these at no charge to you. If you find them impactful and would like to help us continue offering teleconferences like this, as well as other resources for churches and Christian leaders, we appreciate donations of any size. Thank you!


Contact Renee Paul with any questions about this event.