Migration and Ministry

Migration is a frequently invisible aspect of our world, as people travel from country to country for work, to escape danger, and to rejoin families. M. Daniel Carroll R. (Rodas) and Elket Rodríguez join us to share about their work among migrant communities. We get to learn what Scripture has for us to hear about migration, and to ask questions about what it would mean for ministers to engage in ministry around this important matter.

We’re pleased to partner with ACU’s Baptist Studies Center to offer this webinar.

Special Guests

Dr. M. Daniel Carroll R. (Rodas)


M. Daniel Carroll R. (Rodas) teaches Old Testament at Wheaton College, where he is Scripture Press Professor of Biblical Studies and Pedagogy. He is half Guatemalan and was raised bilingual and bicultural. He spent time in Guatemala in his youth and then taught at a seminary there for many years. He has authored or co-edited four books on immigration and the Christian faith, most recently Global Migration and Christian Faith: Implications for Identity and Mission. He speaks frequently around the country on the Bible and immigration.

Elket Rodríguez


Elket Rodríguez is field personnel with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, serving the communities and the migrants in the U.S.-Mexico border. Elket encourages churches along and across the border to engage with migrants, asylum seekers, and the vulnerable in their communities. He also hosts workshops on the biblical foundations of welcoming the stranger and loving our neighbor, and provides legal aid and raises awareness through storytelling and advocacy efforts. He is also working to help train churches in Mexico to provide pastoral, grief, and trauma care to asylum seekers.

Webinar Host

Myles Werntz headshot

Dr. Myles Werntz


Myles Werntz is director of the Baptist Studies Center and associate professor of theology at Abilene Christian University. He is the author and co-editor of six books in the area of Christian theology and ethics. His research interests include church engagements in political life, Christian ethics of war and peace, immigration, and ecclesiology. He is married to Sarah Martin-Werntz, and they live in Abilene with their sons. He is always waiting for baseball season.


Contact Myles Werntz with any questions about this webinar.