What Does the Church Need to Hear About Church?

A sad reality is emerging in many churches: people are straying from congregational life. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what many of us have trained them to do! Now, we may be seeing the fruit from our lack of attention to discipleship, community, and bearing witness to the gospel in public spaces – even before the pandemic brought physical barriers to communal gatherings. Join us for a conversation with Rick Atchley as we explore what our churches need to hear anew, starting with the gospel, mission, community, and discipleship.

A part of our series Intersection: Where Theology and Practice Meet, this webinar took place on Tuesday, December 7, 2021.

We offer Intersection at no charge to you. If you find it impactful and would like to help us continue offering webinars like this, as well as other resources for churches and Christian leaders, we appreciate donations of any size. Thank you!


  • Watch the webinar recording on YouTube

  • Listen to the audio (below)

Special Guest: Rick Atchley

white man in blue plaid shirt

Rick Atchley

Rick Atchley is the senior teaching minister at The Hills Church, a church with campuses in North Richland Hills, Southlake, and West Fort Worth, Texas. He has ministered at The Hills since 1989. Before moving to The Hills, Rick preached for the Southern Hills Church of Christ in Abilene, Texas, for 11 years. Rick holds a B.A. in oral communications and an M.A. in religious communications from ACU. He and his wife, Jamie, have three children. Rick loves golf and exercise and is a retired fantasy football champion.


Contact Renee Paul with any questions about this webinar.