Let's Talk about Race and the Church

The topic of race has dominated national and ecclesiastical headlines in recent years, but this topic is certainly not a new one! In this edition of Intersection, Dr. Edward Robinson, Dr. Wes Crawford, Randy Harris, and Dr. Carson Reed will discuss how Churches of Christ have navigated the tumultuous waters of race relationships in the past and how that history continues to shape the way we handle this delicate topic in the present. If you are a church leader looking for perspective on this issue.

A part of our series Intersection: Where Theology and Practice Meet, this particular webinar took place on Tuesday, April 18, 2023.

  • Watch the video on YouTube

  • Listen to the audio (below) Special Guests: Edward Robinson & Wes Crawford

  • Resources from Robinson & Crawford

Special Guests


Edward Robinson, a native of Jacksonville, Texas, serves as associate professor of history and religion at Texas College and pulpit minister for the North Tenneha Church of Christ in Tyler. He has served congregations in Mississippi, Illinois, and Texas. He earned a Bachelors of Arts degree in Bible and religious education from Southwestern Christian College. He has three masters degrees: Masters of Arts in religious education, a Masters of Divinity from Harding School of Theology, and a Masters of Arts in classical Greek from the University of Illinois. His Ph.D. is in American history and African American history from Mississippi State University. Edward has authored seven academic books, including Hard-Fighting Soldiers: A History of African American Churches of Christ. He and his wife, Toni, have three daughters.


Wes Crawford is associate dean of the Graduate School of Theology and assistant professor of church history at ACU, where he also directs the Center for Restoration Studies. His research interests center on American religion generally and the intersection of race and religion specifically. His book, Shattering the Illusion: How African American Churches of Christ Moved from Segregation to Independence, examines the relationship between white and Black members of Churches of Christ throughout the 20th century. In addition to his academic pursuits, Wes also served as a preaching minister for 20 years in Texas, splitting time between Broadway Church of Christ in Lubbock and Glenwood Church of Christ in Tyler. Wes and his wife, Kim, have been married for over 20 years and have four children.


Contact Renee Paul with any questions about this webinar.