Selah Certificate Payment Page

Information for completing payment for the Selah certificate program

As noted on the main Selah page, beginning with the February 2026-2027 cohort, the cost of the program is $4,499. However, should you complete payment well before your cohort begins (by December 1 for spring cohorts) there is a $250 discount, bringing the total to $4,249.

This cost includes tuition and room and board during residencies. The participant is responsible for the cost of travel and books.


In order to complete payment for the Selah certificate program, please note the following:

  • Method of payment. You may pay for the Selah program via check or credit card. If you would like to mail a check, the mailing address for the Siburt Institute is as follows: ACU Box 29405, Abilene, TX 79699. You should make the check payable to “ACU,” and put “Selah program” in the memo line. If you would like to use a credit card, follow this link and enter the amount you would like to pay.

  • Installment options. There are three options for the amount of payment:

  1. You can choose to pay the entire amount at one time before the first residency.

  2. You may pay the fee in two installments: half the cost before the first residency, and the second half before the second residency.

  3. You may make payments in monthly installments. The monthly cost will depend upon when you begin making payments. NOTE: payments must be complete in order to receive the certificate upon completion of the program.

If you have further questions about payment, you may email the Siburt Institute at