Summit History

Since its modest beginnings, Summit has been devoted to providing programs and experiences fostering spiritual formation and renewal among students, faculty, staff, and congregational leaders. The ways in which we carry out this divine mission have evolved through the years. Here we offer a snapshot of the numerous forms this gathering has taken throughout its rich history – beginning with the inaugural Special Lecture Series in January 1907.

January 1907

Name: Special Lecture Series
Director: Barret
Opening Lecturer: George A. Klingman
Installment: 1
Special Note: From Bill Banowsky’s work


Name: Short Course in Bible
Director: Darden
Installment: 2
Special Note: From Bill Banowsky’s work


Name: Church Workers and Preacher’s Training School
Director: R.L. Whiteside
Installment: 3
Special Note: From Bill Banowsky’s work


Name: Preachers’ Meeting
Director: R.L. Whiteside
Installment: 4
Special Note: From Bill Banowsky’s work


Name: Preachers’ Meeting
Director: R.L. Whiteside
Installment: 5
Special Note: From Bill Banowsky’s work


Name: Preachers’ Meeting
Director: Sewell
Installment: 6
Special Note: From Bill Banowsky’s work

February 1913

Name: Preachers’ Meeting
Director: Sewell
Keynote Lecturers: Batsell Baxter, A. J. McCarty, C. R. Nichol, G. H. P. Showalter, Early Arceneaux, W. M. Davis, R. C. Bell
Installment: 7
Special Note: From Bill Banowsky’s work


Name: Preachers’ Meeting
Installment: 8
Special Note: From Bill Banowsky’s work


Name: Preachers’ Meeting
Installment: 9
Special Note: From Bill Banowsky’s work


Name: Preachers’ Meeting
Installment: 10
Special Note: From Bill Banowsky’s work


Name: Preachers’ Meeting
Installment: 11
Special Note: From Bill Banowsky’s work


Name: Lectureship/Bible Lecture Week
Printed Number: 1st
Opening Lecturer: George A. Klingman
Keynote Lecturers: A. B. Barret,  W. G. Cypert, T. W. Phillips, Liff Sanders, O. E. Phillips, Tice Elkins, Ben West, C. C. Klingman, H. E. Speck, H. W. Wyre
Installment: 12
Special Note: From Bill Banowsky’s work

February 23-28, 1919

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 2nd
Theme: The Bible
Opening Lecturer: J.P. Sewell
Keynote Lecturers: Geo. A. Klingman, Henry Eli Speck, Maurice D. Gano, Arthur R. Holton, Joseph U. Yarbrough, Cled E. Wallace, F. L. Rowe, G. Dallas Smith, F. L. Young, John Straiton, G. H. P. Showalter, F. B. Shepherd, Batsell Baxter
Installment: 13
Special Note: From Lectureship Books

February 1920

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 3rd
Theme: The Church
Keynote Lecturers: M. C. Kurfees, W. G. Malcomson, O. A. Colley, Foy E. Wallace Sr., L. S. White, A. Leroy Elkins, Jesse P. Sewell, J. M. McCaleb, Liff Sanders, R. C. Bell, Early Arceneaux, J. B. Nelson
Installment: 14
Special Note: From Lectureship Books

February 20-27, 1921

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 4th
Theme: The Church
Opening Lecturer: David L. Cooper
Keynote Lecturers: Early Arceneaux, A. R. Holton, Liff Sanders, A. Leroy Elkins, John T. Smith, G. H. P. Showalter, F. W. Smith, W. G. Malcomson, G. C. Brewer, F. W. Smith, Horace W. Busby, W. W. Starnes, G. C. Vincent
Installment: 15
Special Note: From Lectureship Books

February 1922

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 5th
Opening Lecturer: R.D. Smith
Keynote Lecturers: A. B. Barrett, G. A. Klingman, Thos. E. Milholland, Jas. F. Cox, J. N. Armstrong, John T. Smith, C. J. Robinson, T. M. Carney, Ire Lee Winterrowd, Truman H. Ethridge, J. P. Sewell, G. H. P. Showalter, W. F. Ledlow, F. L. Rowe
Installment: 16
Special Note: From Lectureship Books

February 18-25, 1923

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 6th
Opening Lecturer: B.F. Rhodes
Keynote Lecturers: Jas. F. Cox, G. A. Dunn, E. W. McMillan, R. L. Whiteside, A. O. Colley, Oscar Smith, W. L. Swinney, W. D. Campbell, F. B. Shepherd, J. P. Sewell, W. D. Bills, John S. Durst, Carl L. Etter
Installment: 17
Special Note: From Lectureship Books

February 1924

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 7th
Keynote Lecturers: N. B. Hardeman, E. V. Wood, Charles H. Roberson, Roy H. Lanier
Installment: 18
Special Note: From Danielle’s List


Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 8th
Keynote Lecturers: John T. Hinds, Elmer L. Nichols
Installment: 19
Special Note: From Danielle’s List

February 1926

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 9th
Keynote Lecturers: S. P. Pittman, A. Hugh Clark
Installment: 20
Special Note: From Danielle’s List


Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 10th
Keynote Lecturer: H.L. Calhoun
Installment: 21
Special Note: From Danielle’s List

February 1928

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 11th
Keynote Lecturer: C.M. Pulias
Installment: 22
Special Note: From Danielle’s List


Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 12th
Installment: 23
Special Note: From Danielle’s List


Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 13th
Keynote Lecturers: J. Paul Slayden, Walter H. Adams, Don H. Morris, G. C. Morlan, Batsell Baxter, James F. Cox, Harace W. Busby, E. W. McMillan
Installment: 24
Special Note: From Danielle’s List


Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 14th
Keynote Lecturers: C. E. Woolridge, Early Arceneaux, John T. Smith, John Allen Hudson, G. C. Brewer, J. W. Chism, M. O. Daley, Robert C. Jones, Roy Cogdill, T. W. Phillips Jr.
Installment: 25
Special Note: From Danielle’s List


Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 15th
Keynote Lecturers: John A. Dickey, W. R. Smith, S. H. Hall, G. H. P. Showalter, Charles H. Roberson
Installment: 26
Special Note: From Danielle’s List

February 20-26, 1933

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 16th
Theme: The Church We Read about in the New Testament
Opening Lecturer: Cled E. Wallace
Keynote Lecturers: E. C. Coffman, Chas. H. Roberson, L. S. White, Batsell Baxter, W. L. Oliphant, R. L. Whiteside, Early Arceneaux, W. M. Davis
Installment: 27


Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 17th
Theme: The New Testament Church in History
Keynote Lecturers: J. P. Crenshaw, Homer Hailey, A. O. Colley, John T. Smith, Hugh Clark, G. C. Brewer, Foy E. Wallace Jr., E. W. McMillan
Installment: 28

February 1935

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 18th
Theme: The Church As It Is Today
Opening Lecturer: E.H. Ijams
Keynote Lecturers: John Allen Hudson, R. B. Sweet, Oscar Smith, Ernest Beam, Batsell Baxter, J. N. Armstrong, W. S. Long
Installment: 29

February 1936

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 19th
Theme: The History of the Bible
Opening Lecturer: C.A. Norred
Keynote Lecturers: Melvin Wise, Robert C. Jones, Cecil Hill, C. C. Morgan, Chas. H. Roberson, G. K. Wallace, George Stephenson, F. L. Rowe, Don H. Morris, L. R. Wilson, Horace W. Busby, L. S. White, J. Eddie Weems
Installment: 30

February 1937

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 20th
Theme: The Church and Its Great Mission: To Preach the Gospel to the Whole Creation
Opening Lecturer: C.A. Norred
Keynote Lecturers: Homer Hailey, R. C. Bell, John Wolfe, E. C. Coffman, J. Emmett Wainwright, Paul Southern, George S. Benson, B. D. Morehead, J. Dow Merritt, James F. Fox, B. L. Douthitt, P. D. Wilmeth, W. Don Hockday, H. L. Schug, Hettie Lee Ewing, R. C. Bell,
Installment: 31

February 1938

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 21st
Theme: Jesus Christ, The Saviour
Opening Lecturer: A. DeWitt Chaddick
Keynote Lecturers: Melvin J. Wise, Glenn L. Wallace, Hulen L. Jackson, Paul Southern, Roy H. Lanier, W. W. Otey, Chas. H. Roberson, W. D. Bills, Clarence C. Morgan, T. H. Etheridge, John T. Smith, G. C. Brewer
Installment: 32

February 1939

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 22nd
Theme: Stewardship
Opening Lecturer: Harvey Scott
Keynote Lecturers: J. P. Gibson, Homer Hailey, Guy N. Woods, Jesse P. Sewell, Dean H. E. Speck, G. C. Brewer, Yater Tant, P. D. Wilmeth, K. C. Moser, Luther G. Roberts, Basil D. Shilling, Coleman Overby, Roy H. Lanier, James Burton Coffman, C. E. McGaughey, Paul C. Witt, Alonzo Williams, Ted Norton, Harvey Scott, G. H. P. Showalter
Installment: 33

February 1940

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 23rd
Opening Lecturer: C.H. Roberson
Keynote Lecturers: W. B. West Jr., Reuel Lemmons, John H. Banister, John Straiton, Trine Starnes, R. D. Smith, Wm. S. Willis, Weslie Mickey, Forrest R. Waldrop, Thos. D. Rose, T. B. Thompson, H. L. Reynolds, F. B. Shepherd, G. H. P. Showalter, Edgar Furr, T. B. Thompson, John Straiton, A. C. Pullias, Otto Foster, Paul Southern, Colin Smith, V. E. Howard, Paul C. Witt, Melvin J. Wise, Raymond Kelcy, James F. Cox
Installment: 34

February 1941

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 24th
Theme: Christian Citizenship
Opening Lecturer: Chas. H. Roberson
Keynote Lecturers: Cled E. Wallace, Jack Meyer, Early Arceneaux, Luther G. Roberts, L. R. Wilson, Byron Fullerton, Frank L. Cox, Harry Payne, Paul L. Wallace, R. B. Sweet, Paul Southern, Colin Smith
Installment: 35

February 22-26, 1942

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 25th
Theme: Holding to Eternal Things
Opening Lecturer: A. Hugh Clark
Keynote Lecturers: L. S. White, Eldon Sanders, W. B. West Jr, J. P. Sewell, Robert C. Jones, Don H. Morris, A. C. Pullias, Chas. H. Robinson
Installment: 36

February 1943

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 26th
Theme: Jesus the Christ the Hope of the World
Opening Lecturer: J.P. Sanders
Keynote Lecturers: F. B. Shepherd, Otto Foster, A. Hugh Clark, Raymond C. Kelcy, Hugo McCord, R. C. Bell, Chas. H. Roberson, J. D. Harvey
Installment: 37

February 1944

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 27th
Opening Lecturer: Hugh A. Clark
Keynote Lecturers: Cecil N. Wright, H. C. Hale, Jas. F. Cox, Don H. Morris, Batsell Baxter, G. C. Brewer, C. R. Nichol, G. H. P. Showalter
Installment: 38


Lectureship cancelled due to a directive from the War Mobilization Director.
Special Note: Per The Optimist, Jan 19, 1945

February 1946

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 28th
Theme: Things that Cannot Be Shaken
Opening Lecturer: W. B. West Jr.
Keynote Lecturers: R. C. Bell, Paul Southern, Fanning Yater Tant, Charles H. Roberson, C. R. Nichol, E. W. McMillan, Reuel Lemmons, Mack Kerckeville, Norvel Young, J. H. Richards, Eldon A. Sanders, F. B. Shepherd, Orval Filbeck, Olan L. Hicks
Installment: 39


Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 29th
Theme: Preaching the Gospel to All the World
Opening Lecturer: Glenn L. Wallace
Keynote Lecturers: Batsell Barrett Baxter, George S. Benson, Alvin Hobby, Paul Sherrod, T. B. Thompson, Otis Gatewood, Pedro Rivas, Don Morris, Colin B. Smith, J. C. Bailey, Homer Hailey
Installment: 40


Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 30th
Opening Lecturer: Glenn L. Wallace
Keynote Lecturers: Carl Spain, J. D. Bales, Melvin J. Wise, John Banister, E. W. McMillan, F. B. Shepherd, Norvel Young, Cline Paden, John Banister
Installment: 41

February 1949

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 31st
Opening Lecturer: Glenn L. Wallace
Keynote Lecturers: Hulen Jackson, Charles Chumley, Geo. S. Stephenson, Ellis McGaughey, A. C. Pullias, B. Sherrod
Installment: 42

February 1950

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 32nd
Opening Lecturer: Glenn L. Wallace
Keynote Lecturers: J. D. Thomas, E. W. McMillan, L. D. Webb, Frank Pack, Dieter Alten, Jimmy Wood, Dr. John G. Young, Marshall Keeble, B. C. Goodpasture, Le Moine G. Lewis, Leonard Channing, C. E. McGaughey
Installment: 43

February 18-22, 1951

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 33rd
Opening Lecturer: Glenn L. Wallace
Keynote Lecturer: Melvin J. Wise, Reuel Lemmons, Leroy Brownlow, Cline R. Paden, Charles S. Tinius, Harry Fox Jr., A. R. Holton, S. K. Dong, Otis Gatewood, Leonard Mullens, J. W. Treat, John H. Banister
Installment: 44

February 1952

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 34th
Opening Lecturer: Elbridge Linn
Keynote Lecturers: Joseph W. White, M. Norval Young, C. R. Nichol, G. C. Brewer, Trine Starnes, James Baird, Dan F. Fogarty, Joe Malone, Eldred Echols, Jas. W. Nichols, Antonio Ochoa, L. L. Geiger, Frank Winters, R. C. Cannon, F. T. Hamilton
Installment: 45

February 22-26, 1953

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 35th
Theme: The Church at Work
Opening Lecturer: Glenn L. Wallace
Keynote Lecturers: Robert C. Jones, Carl Mitchell, Mack Kercheville, Paul Southern, L. E. O'Neal, Maurice Hall, Charles McPhee, Prenshon Kharlukhi, Clifton Rogers, Leonard, Mullens, Paul Wallace, Leonard M. Gray, Everett Ferguson, Avon Malone, Paul Earnhart, Wesley Reagan, Logan Fox, Delmar Owens, John W. Pigg, Gottfried Reichel, James Willeford, Carl Spain, Willard Collins, Delmar Owens
Installment: 46

February 21-25, 1954

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 36th
Theme: Overcoming Dangerous Tendencies
Opening Lecturers: Frank Pack, Jack Lewis
Keynote Lecturers: John H. Banister, Cline Paden, Paul Southern, George Gurganus, Owen Aiken, John B. White, Dr. John G. Young, John T. Hardin, Clyde P. Findlay, A. R. Holton, Dr. John G. Young, Glenn L. Wallace, George H. Stephenson, Richard Walker, Alvis Bryan, Pedro Rivas, H. A. Dixon, Leslie Diestelkamp, J. P. Crenshaw, H. L. Barber, Ira North, Windle Kee
Installment: 47

February 20-24, 1955

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 37th
Theme: Observe All Things
Opening Lecturers: George DeHoff, Frank Dunn
Keynote Lecturers: Otis Gatewood, Reuel Lemmons, Paul Southern, Alonzo Welch, C. E. McGaughey, Dan Fogarty, Mont Whitson, G. C. Brewer, Harold Thomas, Guy Caskey, Jack Hardcastle, Edward Brown, Gus Nichols, Pat Hardeman, Charles Chumley, Guy Caskey, Heinrich Blum, J. C. Bailey
Installment: 48

February 19-23, 1956

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 38th
Theme: They Shall All be Taught of God
Director: J.D. Thomas
Opening Lecturers: George W. Bailey, Frank Dunn
Keynote Lecturers: Sam Davis Tatum, Paul Southern, Hugo McCord, Jack Pope, Harrison Mathews, Batsell Barret Baxter, Foy Smith, Cleon Lyles, Athens Clay Pullias, Leroy Brownlow, George S. Benson, Bennie Lee Fudge, M. Norvel Young, Reuel Lemmons, Leslie Diestelkamp, H. L. Barber, Harvey Childress
Installment: 49
Special Note: 50th Anniversary of the College

February 17-21, 1957

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 39th
Theme: Christ in You, the Hope of Glory
Director: J.D. Thomas
Opening Lecturers: Herschel Dyer, Boyd Fanning
Keynote Lecturers: M. I. Summerlin, Jack Bates, Eugene Clevenger, John Banister, John C. Stevens, Jack Bates, A. C. Dunkleberger, James D. Bales, Alonzo Welch, Elbridge Linn, Frank Van Dyke, Bailey
Installment: 50

February 23-27, 1958

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 40th
Theme: God
Director: J.D. Thomas
Opening Lecturers: Jack Bates, Raymond Kelcy
Keynote Lecturers: Melvin Wise, Otis Gatewood, W. B. Barton, Paul Southern, J. P. Sanders, Elbridge Linn, Frank Pack, R. J. Smith, Carl Spain, Elbridge Linn, Frank Pack, J. P. Sanders, J. Leonard Jackson, M. Norvel Young, George Stephenson, Elbridge Linn, Batsell Barret Baxter, H. A. Dixon, Alonzo Welch
Installment: 51

February 22-26, 1959

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 41st
Theme: Unto All the World
Director: J.D. Thomas
Opening Lecturers: Stanley Lockhart, Pat Harrell
Keynote Lecturers: H. I. Taylor, Otis Gatewood, Truman Spring, A. R. Holton, Fausto Salvoni, Frank Pack, Don Gardner, J. W. Roberts, Ray Chester, Leon C. Burns, E. W. McMillan, George S. Benson
Installment: 52

February 21-25, 1960

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 42nd
Theme: Christian Faith in the Modern World
Director: J.D. Thomas
Opening Lecturers: Leonard R. Mullens, John T. Smithson, Neil R. Lightfoot
Keynote Lecturers: Judge Jack Pope, L. Haskell Chesshir, Gordon Teel, Virgil Trout, J. D. Thomas, Carl Spain, David Bobo, Harry Robert Fox, Jack Meyer Sr., Joe Sanders, Roy Osborne
Installment: 53

February 19-23, 1961

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 43rd
Theme: The More Abundant Life
Director: J.D. Thomas
Opening Lecturers: James Baird, A.V. Isbell, Henry E. Speck
Keynote Lecturers: Gerald Paden, Vernon Moody, Hershel Dyer, Howard Horton, Robert S. Bell, George W. Bailey, Hardeman Nichols, C. E. McGaughey, Kenneth Reed, Guy Caskey, Logan Fox, J. P. Sanders
Installment: 54

April 15-19, 1962

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 44th
Theme: The Restoration Principle
Director: J.D. Thomas
Opening Lecturers: Bill Humble, Burton Coffman, Rees Bryant
Keynote Lecturers: Dan Hardin, R. R. Marshal, Everett Ferguson, John Banister, Raymond Kelcy, J. D. Thomas, George Stephenson, Carroll Ellis, Earl West, Walter H. Adams, E. W. McMillan, J. W. Roberts
Installment: 55

April 21-25, 1963

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 45th
Theme: The Christian and Morality
Director: J.D. Thomas
Opening Lecturers: Thomas Olbricht, Jim Dobbs, Rex P. Kyker
Keynote Lecturers: Leonard M. Gray, James LeFan, Roy Willbern, Jim Dobbs, Rex P. Kyker, Thomas Olbricht, Wyatt Sawyer, Don H. Morris, A. R. Holton, Harrison Matthews, M. I. Summerlin, Cleon Lyles, George W. Bailey
Installment: 56

February 23-27, 1964

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 46th
Theme: Leadership in the Church
Director: J.D. Thomas
Opening Lecturers: Paul C. Witt, L.L. Gieger, Carl Brecheen
Keynote Lecturers: Le Moine G. Lewis, Andrew Gardiner, L. L. Gieger, Carl Brecheen, Paul C. Witt, Paul Southern, Gus Nichols, H. A. Dixon, Jim Bill McInteer, Dieter Alten, Clifton Rogers, Ira North, Reuel Lemmons
Installment: 57

February 21-25, 1965

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 47th
Theme: Lift Up Your Eyes…
Director: J.D. Thomas
Opening Lecturers: Wesley Reagan, James LeFan, John C. Stevens
Keynote Lecturers: Adair P. Chapman, Abraham Malherbe, Robert W. Holton, James LeFan, John C. Stevens, Wesley Reagan, Paul Easley, Don Gardner, Phillip Morrison, Edward Rockey, R. N. Hogan, Geoffrey Ellis, Jimmy Allen, John Allen Chalk
Installment: 58

February 20-24, 1966

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 48th
Theme: The Bible Today
Director: J.D. Thomas
Opening Lecturers: Tom Olbricht, Hugo McCord, Edward Rockey
Keynote Lecturers: Tony Ash, Robert Oglesby, Alton Howard, Hugo McCord, Edward Rockey, Tom Olbricht, Clarence Dailey, Dwain Evans, Harold Hazelip, Charles Felix, Clifton L. Ganus, Bill Carrell, Ray F. Chester, Frank Pack
Installment: 59

February 19-23, 1967

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 49th
Theme: Lifting Up the Christ
Director: J.D. Thomas
Opening Lecturer: Paul Easly, Guy Caskey, Mid McKnight
Keynote Lecturer: Eldred Stevens, J. C. Bailey, Robert D. Bankes, Guy Caskey, Mid McKnight, Paul Easly, C. E. McGaughey, Juan Monroy, Batsell Barret Baxter, James F. Fowler, John H. Banister, Ron Durham, V. P. Black, William S. Banowsky
Installment: 60

February 18-22, 1968

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 50th
Theme: Crowning 50 Years
Director: J.D. Thomas
Opening Lecturer: Judge Jack Pope
Keynote Lecturers: Bob Douglas, George Tipps, Paul Southern, Stanley Shipp, Hulen Jackson, George H. Stephenson, Akio Limb, L. Wesley Jones, Trine Starnes, Parker Henderson, Gus Nichols, Leonard Mullens, M. Norvel Young, Hardeman Nichols, Henry Farrar, Willard Collins, Texas H. Stevens, Charles E. Chumley, Ed Rockey, Stanley Lockhart, Frank Dunn, V. P. Black
Installment: 61
Special Note: 50th Anniversary and the opening of Moody Coliseum

February 23-27, 1969

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 51st
Theme: God’s Eternal Purpose
Director: J.D. Thomas
Opening Lecturer: Carl Brecheen
Keynote Lecturers: Bob Barnhill, Walker Horn, Avon Malone, Lynn Anderson, Allen Isbell, Hugh Tiner, John Maples,  Stanley Lockhart, Grover C. Washington, Don Finto, Charles Hodge Jr.
Installment: 62

February 22-26, 1970

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 52nd
Theme: The Apostle’s Doctrine
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Wallace Gooch
Keynote Lecturers: Dan C. Coker, Andrew J. Hairston, Humphrey Foutz, Roy Lanier Sr., Roy Osborne Jr., B. J. Humble, Jack Evans, Prentice Meador Jr., Juan Monroy, Glen Owen, Jim Reynolds, Joe Barnett
Installment: 63

February 21-25, 1971

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 53rd
Theme: World Evangelism
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: V.E. Howard
Keynote Lecturers: George Gurganus, Charles Coil, Wendel Broom, Bob Douglas, Al Horne, Cline Paden, Stanley Shipp, Reuel Lemmons
Installment: 64

February 20-24, 1972

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 54th
Theme: The Church and the Future
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: John Allen Chalk
Keynote Lecturers: Richard Pectol, Paul Faulkner, Gottfried Reichel, Landon Saunders, C. Phillip Slate, Harold Hazelip, Tom Gaumer, Batsell Barret Baxter
Installment: 65

February 18-21, 1973

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 55th
Theme: Jesus
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: James LeFan
Keynote Lecturers: Johnny Jackson, Phillip J. Steyn, Robert Shank, Carl Mitchel, Nokomis Yeldell, Eugene Lawton, William S. Banowsky
Installment: 66

February 17-20, 1974

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 56th
Theme: Discipleship
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Parker L. Henderson
Keynote Lecturers: Gary Beauchamp, Dan Anders, John Whitley, Frank Worgan, Mack Wayne Craig, Harvey Porter, Jim Bill McInteer
Installment: 67

February 23-26, 1975

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 57th
Theme: “I’m Not Ashamed of the Gospel…”
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Paul Southern
Keynote Lecturers: Gus Nichols, Melvin Wise, J. C. Bailey, C. E. McGaughey, E. W. McMillan, J. P. Sanders, R. N. Hogan
Installment: 68

February 22-25, 1976

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 58th
Theme: Freedom in Christ
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Reuel Lemmons
Keynote Lecturers: James Fowler, Andrew Gardiner, E. R. Brannan, Stephan Bilak, James Maxwell, Richard Rogers
Installment: 69

February 20-23, 1977

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 59th
Theme: Seeking the Lost
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Marvin Phillips
Keynote Lecturers: Marvin Bryant, Dan Coker, W. F. Washington, Carl Brecheen, Jim McGuiggan, Charles Coil
Installment: 70

February 19-22, 1978

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 60th
Theme: Spirituality
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Harold Hazelip
Keynote Lecturers: Wendell Broom, Joe Barnett, Tom Holland, Jim Woodroof, LeMoine Lewis, Batsell Barret Baxter
Installment: 71

February 18-21, 1979

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 61st
Theme: The Home in Crisis
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Jack Evans
Keynote Lecturers: Kenneth Dye, Gary Beauchamp, Joe Schubert, Paul Faulkner, Carl Mitchell, Prentice Meador Jr.
Installment: 72

February 17-20, 1980

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 62nd
Theme: Until He Comes
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Howard Norton
Keynote Lecturers: William E. Young, Jimmy Jividen, Stanley Lockhart, Taylor McKenzie, Eldred Echols, Landon Saunders
Installment: 73

February 22-25, 1981

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 63rd
Theme: Our Uncommon Commitment
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Reuel Lemmons
Keynote Lecturers: Anthony Lee Ash, Jack Lewis, B. J. Humble, Thomas Foster, Tex Williams, John C. Stevens, Jerry Jones, Richard Rogers, Batsell Barret Baxter
Installment: 74

February 21-24, 1982

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 64th
Theme: A New Era in World Evangelism
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Jimmy Allen
Keynote Lecturers: Wendell Broom, Doug Kostowski, Parker Henderson, Elijah Anthony, Hilton Merrit, Landon Saunders
Installment: 75

February 20-23, 1983

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 65th
Theme: Lights in a World of Darkness
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Juan A. Monroy
Keynote Lecturers: Glen Owen, John D. Davis, Jack Pope, Joe Barnett, Furman Kearley, William J. Teague, Carl Brecheen, Harold G. Taylor, Jack Evans
Installment: 76

February 19-22, 1984

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 66th
Theme: Called to Be Servants
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Jerry Rushford
Keynote Lecturers: Joe Beam, John Gipson, Dick Marcear, Lynn Anderson, Art McNeese, Harold Hazelip
Installment: 77

February 17-20, 1985

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 67th
Theme: What the Church Needs to Hear
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Charles Hodge, Jon Jones, Thomas Foster
Keynote Lecturers: Rick Atchley, Jim Mankin, Carroll Pitts, Prentice A. Meador, Don Kleppe, David Tarbet
Installment: 78

February 16-19, 1986

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 68th
Theme: The Living Restoration
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Avon Malone
Keynote Lecturers: Willard Collins, Jerry Rushford, Ed C. Wharton, B. J. Humble, Monroe E. Hawley, Ian A. Fair, James S. Woodroof, Reuel Lemmons
Installment: 79

February 22-25, 1987

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 69th
Theme: The Mind of Christ
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Furman Kearley
Keynote Lecturers: Charles A. Siburt Jr., David Davenport, Roy H. Lanier Jr., Marvin Phillips, Randy Mayeux, James O. Baird, Michael Lewis, Michael Armour
Installment: 80

February 21-24, 1988

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 70th
Theme: Missions in Crisis: Challenge and Opportunity
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Howard Norton
Keynote Lecturers: C. Philip Slate, Juan A. Monroy, Dan C. Coker, Wendell W. Broom, Mike Cope, Lynn Anderson, Max Lucado, Jim McGuiggan
Installment: 81

February 19-22, 1989

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 71st
Theme: Christ and Culture
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Ken R. Durham
Keynote Lecturers: E. W. McMillian, William J. Teague, Rubel Shelly, Harold Hazelip, Paul Faulkner, Jack Evans, Wayne Kilpatrick, Landon Saunders
Installment: 82

February 18-21, 1990

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 72nd
Theme: Luke: A Gospel for the World
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Adron Doran
Keynote Lecturers: Jim Mankin, Frank Pack, Kregg Hood, Tony Ash, Harold Shank, Douglas F. Parsons, Howard W. Norton, Rick Atchley
Installment: 83

February 17-20, 1991

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 73rd
Theme: Praising God: Themes From the Psalms
Director: Carl Brecheen
Keynote Lecturers: Humberto Rivas, Andre Resner Jr., William J. Long, Edwin F. White, Ken Neller, David Jackson, John Willis, John York, Prentice Meador Jr.
Installment: 84

February 23-26, 1992

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 74th
Theme: Corinth Revisited: Studies in 1 Corinthians
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: James Murry Adcox
Keynote Lecturers: David Fleer, R. Gerald Turner, Charles A. Siburt, James S. Woodroof, Walt Leaver, George Phillip Holt Sr., Jack Reese, Mike Cope
Installment: 85

February 21-24, 1993

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 75th
Theme: A Changeless Christ for Changing Times: Studies in Matthew
Director: Carl Brecheen
Opening Lecturer: Royce Money
Keynote Lecturers: Ted Kell, Willard Tate, Charles Mickey, John Gipson, Terry Cartwright, Harold Hazelip
Installment: 86

February 20-23, 1994

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 76th
Theme: A Light to the Nations: Messages from Isaiah
Director: William E. Young
Opening Lecturer: Larry Henninger
Keynote Lecturers: Shelton Gibbs III, Jimmy Adcox, Rick Marrs, Randy Becton, Phillip Slate, Tony Ash
Installment: 87

February 19-22, 1995

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 77th
Theme: This We Know: Studies in 1 John
Director: William E. Young
Opening Lecturer: James Cail
Keynote Lecturers: Bill J. Humble, Ronnie Norman, Dwight Robarts, Harold Shank, Rodney Plunket, Harold Redd
Installment: 88

February 18-21, 1996

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 78th
Theme: The Church: Who Needs it?
Director: William E. Young
Opening Lecturer: Harold Shank
Keynote Lecturers: Dan Bouchelle, Mark Henderson, Mark Love, Harold Hazelip, Robert Ethington, William S. Banowsky
Installment: 89

February 16-19, 1997

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 79th
Theme: Faith Under Fire
Director: William E. Young
Opening Lecturer: Randy Harris
Keynote Lecturers: Gayle Crowe, Prentice Meador, Michael Lewis, Jack Reese, Grady King, Landon Saunders
Installment: 90

February 22-25, 1998

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 80th
Theme: The Real War: Flesh vs. Spirit - Studies in Galatians
Director: William E. Young
Opening Lecturer: John York
Keynote Lecturers: Eddie Sharp, Floyd E. Rose, James Thompson, Phil Ware, Robert Ethington, Roy F. Osborne Jr.
Installment: 91

February 21-24, 1999

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 81st
Theme: Behold, He Comes!
Director: William E. Young
Opening Lecturer: Charles Siburt
Keynote Lecturers: Daniel A. Rodriguez, Chris Seidman, Randy Daugherty, Don McLaughlin, Stephen Johnson, Jerry Rushford
Installment: 92

February 20-23, 2000

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 82nd
Theme: Unfinished Business: Challenges for the New Millennium
Director: William E. Young
Opening Lecturer: Royce Money
Keynote Lecturers: Monte Cox, Jack Reese, Harold Hazelip, Mike Cope, Mark LaValley, Ervin Seamster
Installment: 93

February 18-21, 2001

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 83rd
Theme: Be My Witness (Acts)
Director: William E. Young
Opening Lecturer: Randy Harris
Keynote Lecturers: Dean Smith, Jeff Childers, Ira Jolivet, Larry James, Tommy King, Paul Faulkner
Installment: 94

February 17-20, 2002

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 84th
Theme: Recovering Spirituality (Ephesians)
Director: Mark Love
Opening Lecturer: Mark Love
Keynote Lecturers: Brent Isbell, David Fleer, Jim McGuiggan, Kenneth R. Greene, Jerry Taylor, Rick Atchley
Installment: 95

February 23-26, 2003

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 85th
Theme: Welcoming the Reign of God: Messages on the Kingdom from Matthew's Gospel
Director: Mark Love
Opening Lecturer: Dan Bouchelle
Keynote Lecturers: Steve Weathers, Jerry Rushford, Jeff Christian, Tony Roach, Chris Seidman, Lynn Anderson
Installment: 96

February 22-25, 2004

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 86th
Theme: Come to the Waters (Isaiah)
Director: Mark Love
Opening Lecturer: Mark Henderson
Keynote Lecturers: Tim Woodroof, Jerry Taylor, Ralph Draper, Eddie Sharp, Monte Cox, Stuart Love
Installment: 97

February 20-23, 2005

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 87th
Theme: Since You Have Been Raised With Christ (Colossians)
Director: Mark Love
Keynote Lecturers: Billy Wilson, David Holmes, Harold Shank, Prentice Meador, Billy Curl, Phil Ware, Randy Harris
Installment: 98

February 19-22, 2006

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 88th
Theme: Messages from the Gospel of John
Director: Mark Love
Opening Lecturers: Royce Money and Don Jeanes
Keynote Lecturers: Samuel Twumasi-Ankrah, Rick Marrs, Lawrence Murray, David Fleer, Mike Cope, Dwight Robarts
Installment: 99

September 17-20, 2006

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 89th
Theme: Messages for the Gospel of John 9-21
Director: Mark Love
Keynote Lecturers: Jack Reese, J. C. Thomas Jr., John York, John Siburt, Stephen Johnson, Don McLaughlin, Ken Greene
Installment: 100

September 16-19, 2007

Name: Lectureship
Printed Number: 90th
Theme: Do Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly: Messages from Micah
Director: Mark Love/Brady Bryce
Keynote Lecturers: Jerry Taylor, Fred Asare, Landon Saunders, Jay Hawkins, Wade Hodges, Mark Hamilton, Jeff Walling
Installment: 101

September 21-24, 2008

Name: Summit
Printed Number: 91st
Theme: The Righteousness of God: Exploring Romans
Director: Brady Bryce
Opening Lecturers: Leroy Garrett
Keynote Lecturers: David Fleer, Kevin Murray, James Thompson, Randy Harris, Eric Wilson, Chris Seidman
Installment: 102
Special Note: First time called Summit

September 20-23, 2009

Name: Summit
Printed Number: 92nd
Theme: On the Mountain With God: Exodus Expedition
Director: Brady Bryce
Keynote Lecturers: Fate Hagood, David Holmes, Mike Cope, Bert Reynolds, Glenn Pemberton, Joshua Graves, Chris Smith
Installment: 103

September 19-22, 2010

Name: Summit
Printed Number: 104th
Theme: Aliens & Light: Finding God in the Darkness (1 Peter, 2 Peter)
Director: Brady Bryce
Keynote Lecturers: Rick Atchley, Josh Ross, Andy Wall, Reg Cox, Tyson Moore, Charlton Taylor, Eddie Sharp, James Bryan Smith, Shane Claiborne
Installment: 104
Program Booklet

September 18-21, 2011

Name: Summit
Printed Number: 105th
Theme: Enough: Hearing God from Isaiah
Director: Brady Bryce
Keynote Lecturers: Billy Curl, Barron Jones, Rick Marrs, Dusty Rush, Mark Hamilton, Dan Rodriguez, Harold Shank, Sharon Cohn Wu, Rachel Held Evans, Max Lucado
Installment: 105
Program Booklet

September 16-19, 2012

Name: Summit
Printed Number: 106th
Theme: Intimacy: Return to God (from Hosea)
Director: Brady Bryce
Opening Lecturer: Mitch Wilburn
Keynote Lecturers: Collin Packer, Elaine Heath, Chris Goldman, Jeff Christian, Walter Brueggemann, Jerry Taylor, Dallas Willard, Don McLaughlin
Installment: 106
Program Booklet

September 15-19, 2013

Name: Summit
Printed Number: 107th
Theme: Margins: Following Jesus at the Edge in Luke’s Gospel
Director: Brady Bryce
Opening Lecturer: Jonathan Storment
Keynote Lecturers: Aaron Metcalf, Eric Wilson, Luke Timothy Johnson, Sean Palmer, Gordan Dabbs, Peter William, Larry James, John Mark Hicks, Scot McKnight
Installment: 107
Program Booklet

September 21-24, 2014

Name: Summit
Printed Number: 108th
Theme: Earthed: Finding Our Origin in God (Genesis)
Director: Brady Bryce
Opening Lecturer: Don McLaughlin
Keynote Lecturers: Barbara Brown Taylor, Lawrence Murray, Sam Barrington, Stanley Hauerwas, Sam Gonzales, Randy Harris
Installment: 108
Program Booklet

September 20-23, 2015

Name: Summit
Printed Number: 109th
Theme: Same Mind: United in Imitating Jesus
Director: David Wray
Opening Lecturer: Brady Bryce
Keynote Lecturers: Richard Beck, Amy Bost Henegar, Phil Brookman, Chris Smith, Raymond Carr, Mike Cope
Installment: 109
Program Booklet

September 18-21, 2016

Name: Summit
Printed Number: 110th
Theme: Love God, Love Your Neighbor, Living the Greatest Commandments
Director: David Wray
Opening Lecturer: Jerry Taylor
Keynote Lecturers: Jerry Taylor, Sara Barton, Josh Graves, Ali Kaise and Derran Reese, Monte Cox, Jonathan Storment and David McQueen
Installment: 110
Program Booklet

September 17-20, 2017

Name: Summit
Printed Number: 111th
Theme: Ancient Scripture, Future Church (Deuteronomy)
Director: David Wray
Opening Lecturer: Landon Saunders
Keynote Lecturers: Sean Palmer, James K.A. Smith, Josh Ross, Thema Bryant-Davis, Chris Seidman, Jeanene Reese
Installment: 111
Program Booklet

September 16-19, 2018

Name: Summit
Printed Number: 112th
Theme: Wholeness in a Broken World (Ephesians)
Director: David Wray
Opening Lecturer: Randy Harris
Keynote Lecturers: Alan Jacobs, Jordan Dooley, Matt Dooley, Jerry Taylor, Don McLaughlin
Installment: 112
Program Booklet

September 15-19, 2019

Name: Summit
Printed Number: 113th
Theme: Sorrow, Hope and Joy: Life in the Mountains and Valleys of the Psalms
Director: David Wray
Opening Lecturer: Mike Cope
Keynote Lecturers: Mo Isom, Beverly Ross, Shane Wood, Steven Moore
Installment: 113
Program Booklet

September 20-23, 2020

Name: Summit
Printed Number: 114th
Theme: Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Bridging the Divides
Directors: Leah Andrews and David Wray
Opening Keynote Speaker: Ian Nickerson
Keynote Speakers: Jessica Goudeau, Allen Hilton, Richard Beck
Installment: 114
Special Note: Fully online due to the COVID-19 pandemic

October 14-15, 2021 (FALL EDITION)

Name: Summit
Theme: Seeking Hope, Finding Joy
Director: Leah Andrews
Keynote Speaker: Richard Beck
Communities: Children’s Ministry, Preaching Ministry, Small-Church Ministry, General Interest
Installment: n/a
Special Note: Cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic

March 31 - April 1, 2022 (SPRING EDITION)

Name: Summit
Theme: Seeking Hope, Finding Joy
Director: David Kneip
Keynote Speaker: Richard Beck
Communities: Preaching Ministry, Small-Church Ministry, Worship Ministry, General Interest
Installment: 115

October 13-14, 2022 (FALL EDITION)

Name: Summit
Theme: Abide with Me
Director: Jennifer Schroeder
Keynote Speaker: Andrew Root
Communities: Children’s Ministry, Hispanic Ministry, Preaching Ministry, Small-Church Ministry, Recovery Ministry, Youth Ministry, General Interest
Installment: 116

March 30-31, 2023 (SPRING EDITION)

Name: Summit
Theme: Living Word
Director: Jennifer Schroeder
Keynote Speaker: Kristin Kobes Du Mez
Communities: Family Ministry, Hispanic Ministry, Preaching Ministry, Worship Ministry, General Interest
Installment: 116

October 11-13, 2023

Name: Summit
Theme: Holy Discomfort: Our Journey toward God
Director: Jennifer Schroeder
Anchor Point Plenary Speaker: Esau McCaulley
Keynote Speakers: Sara Barton, Don McLaughlin
Communities: Adult Formation, Children's Ministry, Hispanic Ministry, Missions, Preaching, Small Church, General Interest
Installment: 117

October 16-18, 2024

Name: Summit
Theme: Woven Together: The Power of Biblical Storytelling
Director: Jennifer Schroeder
Anchor Point Plenary Speaker: Anna Carter-Florence
Keynote Speakers: Alejandro Ezquerra, Robby John, and Josh Ross
Communities: General Interest Old Testament, General Interest New Testament, Adult Formation, Children’s Ministry, Hispanic Ministry, Preaching, Rural Church
Installment: 118