Hope for the Sorrowful (video)

Life isn’t lived under Eden’s tree of life or beneath the healing leaves of the tree in the new Jerusalem. It is lived between them. Life is often hard. In spite of this reality, Shane Wood challenges us to embrace hope, love, and the beauty of reconciliation provided freely by God. There is indeed hope for the sorrowful.

This theme session took place in ACU’s Moody Coliseum on Tuesday, September 17, 2019.



Dr. Shane J. Wood is a professor of New Testament studies and the associate academic dean at Ozark Christian College. He was named one of Christian Standard’s “40 Leaders Under 40” (July 2013) and also recognized by Theology Degrees Online as one of the “100 Remarkable Professors & Scholars Theology Students Should Know About.” His book, Between Two Trees, challenges us to embrace hope, love, and the beauty of reconciliation at the true tree of life: the cross of Calvary. Shane completed his Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh (UK) and lives with his family in Joplin, Missouri.