Summit Communities
Summit offers connection, encouragement, and shared learning designed for those with similar interests or leadership roles. Our 2024 communities included adult formation, children’s ministry, Hispanic ministry, preaching ministry, and rural church ministry. There will also be both Old Testament and New Testament general interest communities that explored the theme of Woven Together.
How do we listen to and proclaim the Old Testament as God’s Word for today? The Old Testament general interest community will focus on the book of Exodus as a touchstone for liberation and faith. Learn More...
Biblical stories are threads that weave our identities and communities together across generations. Focusing on Luke 13, the group will also explore how sometimes isolated texts work together to weave the story of Luke’s Gospel. Come hear Luke’s stories told from memory and learn to tell biblical stories yourself. Learn More...
Christian faith is not formed by a list of rules, principles to live by, or even inspirational sayings, rather, it is beautifully rooted in a long narrative. Join us in the adult formation community to learn practices to help your church experience narratives from Scripture. Learn more...
We can’t afford to waste a single moment with our kids! Every time and space hold opportunities to make a difference in the lives of children, their families, and the kingdom of God. Together, we will explore how to help kids see themselves as part of God’s Big Story. Learn more...
Join us at Summit 2024 and the C3 Hispanic Community. It will be an immersive three-day experience where we will explore the profound impact of New Testament parables on our lives and communities today. Learn More...
From its very beginning, Christian preaching has rested on Scripture as its essential and authorizing source. Yet, preachers can often struggle to find a living Word for their congregation within the words of Scripture. This year, the Preaching Community at Summit will focus on a few of these forms of Spiritual Reading and explore ways in which they can invigorate our preaching. Learn more...
We are saved in a fabric, a community, woven together. How can we weave wholesome fabric in our small towns? Fabric that holds people together in the love of Jesus–the mission of God for the sake of the world–that is empowered by the Spirit of God? Learn more...